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P5253621_-2 copy4.jpg
2008 no` 217  Lecket. IMG_6962 (59).JPG
no221..Pray with Yellow Flighty Birds. Back.jpg
2008 no` 217  Lecket. IMG_6962 (69).JPG
2008 no` 217  Lecket. IMG_6962 (32).JPG
‏‏ no10.Humen Materials.  .Baibies.Babies. Detail.JPG
Girl With A Dove.jpg
no225.Rabin-95 RIMG0076.JPG
P5253528_ copy4.jpg
no10.Humen Materials..JPG
slide0002_image007 2009 picasso (17).jpg
Hanging or Standin. Part of Instillation.26.jpg
no182-8.Those are not meagrating birds145.jpg
no.205 White Reflection A IMG_6548.JPG
2008 no` 217  Lecket. IMG_6962 (7).JPG
2008 no` 217  Lecket. IMG_6962 (8).JPG
Powerlessness Hands. Detail Instillation.jpg
2008 no` 217  Lecket. IMG_6962 (1).JPG
Picasso.A Child with A Lame..jpg
slide0002_image007 2009 picasso (15).jpg
no164. Self Portrate Socking.InventarRIMG0524.JPG
2008 no` 217  Lecket. IMG_6962 (72).JPG
slide0002_image007 2009 picasso (4).jpg
2008 no` 217  Lecket. IMG_6962 (70).JPG
n0233.Migoon#16854 024a.JPG
no222.Pray with Flighty Birds  09 055.jpg
no197.  White Dialog with Black Head. Dedail.IMG_7043.JPG
no206. White Dialog B IMG_6921.JPG
P5253842_ copy.jpg
no208.Those are not meagrating birds B. Detai_e61.JPG
P5253354_ copy.jpg
2008 no` 217  Lecket. IMG_6962 (61).JPG
slide0002_image007 2009 picasso (34).jpg
slide0002_image007 2009 picasso (32).jpg
no221.Pray with Yellow  Flighty Birds.Detail.jpg
2008 no` 217  Lecket. IMG_6962 (12).jpeg
2008 no` 217  Lecket. IMG_6962 (21).JPG
Rowing B.jpg
P5253771_ copy.jpg
no4.Girl with A Dog (Pink)slide0014_image028.jpg
slide0002_image007 2009 picasso (25).gif
slide0002_image007 2009 picasso (7).jpg
P5253640_ copy.jpg
P5253584_ copy2.jpg
no212.  Tikon B. IMG_7110.JPG
no192. Acupuncture IMG_7077.JPG
2008 no` 217  Lecket. IMG_6962 (54).JPG
Bells-Installation bIMG3508.jpg
slide0002_image007 2009 picasso (6).jpg
Picasso. Girl With A Dove.jpg
no208.Those are not meagrating birds B. Detail_e09.JPG
Varda Yatom 097 low.JPG
no207. The Desire to Fly IMG_6742.JPG
no217 Rops b 024.jpg
no235.Migoon#17052 038.jpg
‏‏ no10.Humen Materials.  .Baibies.JPG
2008 no` 217  Lecket. IMG_6962 (66).JPG
Stucked Boat.1996.jpg
2008 no` 217  Lecket. IMG_6962 (14).JPG
2008 no` 217  Lecket. IMG_6962 (25).JPG
slide0002_image007 2009 picasso (12).jpg
no4.Girl with A Dog (Pink)(Pink)Detail.jpg
no159. Self Portrate Embroidery.Inventar.RIMG0053.JPG
Picasso.Girl with A Dog.jpg
2008 no` 217  Lecket. IMG_6962 (3).jpg
no10.Humen Materials. 6 Details.jpg
P5253620_-2 copy4.jpg
Human being142a.JPG
Stucked Boats. Instillation 1991-6.JPG
2008 no` 217  Lecket. IMG_6962 (49).JPG
slide0002_image007 2009 picasso (29).gif
slide0002_image007 2009 picasso (20).gif
slide0002_image007 2009 picasso (36).jpg
no206. White Dialog B. Detail. IMG_6932.JPG
no210 .Face to Face IMG_7167.JPG
P5253760_ copy.jpg
no72.A Child with A Lame. Detail.jpg
2008 no` 217  Lecket. IMG_6962 (2).JPG
Hanging or Standin. Part of Instillation.25.jpg
no162. Self Portrate Stone.Inventar.RIMG0273.JPG
no217 Rops c 024.JPG
slide0002_image007 2009 picasso (22).gif
no126 The Final Roll Call.jpg
no240.Migoon C 068.jpg
no208.Those are not meagrating birds B.jpg
slide0002_image007 2009 picasso (10).jpg
Wedding Dress. Part of Instillation.JPG
no154.Hunters. Detail RIMG13.JPG
no232.Migoon#16943 026b.JPG
no.205 White Reflection B Detail IMG_6580.JPG
2008 no` 217  Lecket. IMG_6962 (27).JPG
2008 no` 217  Lecket. IMG_6962 (20).JPG
Bells-shoe bIMG3519.jpg
no218 Rops040.jpg
2008 no` 217  Lecket. IMG_6962 (4).jpg
2008 no` 217  Lecket. IMG_6962 (30).JPG
2008 no` 217  Lecket. IMG_6962 (28).JPG
no2.Acrobat (Boy).jpg
2008 no` 217  Lecket. IMG_6962 (34).JPG
2008 no` 217  Lecket. IMG_6962 (46).JPG
no.205 White Reflection B IMG_6571.JPG
2008 no` 217  Lecket. IMG_6962 (62).JPG
Powerlessness Hands. Instillation.jpg
slide0002_image007 2009 picasso (11).gif
no160. Self Portrate Branches.Inventar.DSCN5610.JPG
2008 no` 217  Lecket. IMG_6962 (41).JPG
2008 no` 217  Lecket. IMG_6962 (53).JPG
Migoon#16843 051.jpg
no102-12.Embrius. detail.099.jpg
no95.On the sweemingpool.jpg
no.270 271.Tikoon_1024x768.jpg
2008 no` 217  Lecket. IMG_6962 (24).JPG
38.White Squating.JPG
P5253824_ copy.jpg
slide0002_image007 2009 picasso (21).jpg
2008 no` 217  Lecket. IMG_6962 (11).jpg
no2.Acrobat (Boy)Detail c.jpg
Girl With Dove.jpg
P5253567_ copy2.jpg
slide0002_image007 2009 picasso (24).jpg
no213. Tikon A.  IMG_7201.JPG
no154.Hunters. Front Instillation.JPG
no208.Those are not meagrating birds B. Detai_e53.JPG
no. 224 Flow . Instillation 2000 (1).JPG
Hanging or Standin. Part of Instillation.27.jpg
no3.Girl with A Dog (blue).jpg
P5253727_ copy.jpg
slide0002_image007 2009 picasso (26).jpg
no234.Migoon#16856 033.jpg
Hanging or Standin. Part of Instillation.30.jpg
no2.Acrobat (Boy)Detail b.jpg
P5253755_ copy2.JPG
2008 no` 217  Lecket. IMG_6962 (55).JPG
slide0002_image007 2009 picasso (9).gif
no199. The Desire to Fly B. Detail. IMG_6826.JPG
no161. Self Portrate Sigaret.Inventar.DSCN5602.jpg
no217 Rops b 025.jpg
no234.Migoon#16856 032.jpg
no245-6.Prosthesis #5,#7. 064b.JPG
2008 no` 217  Lecket. IMG_6962 (29).JPG
no164. Self Portrate Socking.InventarRIMG0126.JPG
no222.Pray with Flighty Birds  09 055.jpg
slide0002_image007 2009 picasso (1).jpg
Bells four.JPG
no242.Prosthesis 051a.JPG
Wedding Dress. Detail.I.JPG
no212.  Tikon B. IMG_7133.JPG
2008 no` 217  Lecket. IMG_6962 (22).JPG
2008 no` 217  Lecket. IMG_6962 (5).JPG
Wedding Death B Instillation.jpg
2008 no` 217  Lecket. IMG_6962 (50).JPG
no232.Migoon#16943 027a.JPG
no158. Self Portrate Snails.Inventar.DSCN5585.JPG
P5253765_ copy2.jpg
no237.The line 009.jpg
no161. Self Portrate Sigaret.Inventar.RIMG0308.JPG
no129.Self portrait Shofar.JPG
Self Portrate.90.jpg
2008 no` 217  Lecket. IMG_6962 (23).JPG
no127.The Final Roll Call.jpg
no23.Peckalla (Small)RIMG1579.JPG
no163. Self Portrate Tefilin.Inventar.RIMG0544.JPG
2008 no` 217  Lecket. IMG_6962 (43).JPG
128.Whishfull thinking. DSC_.JPG
Stucked Boats. Instillation 1991-6Herzliya Museum 1991-6.JPG
Hanging or Standin. Part of Instillation. One part.jpg
no221..Pray with Flighty Birds   09ג031.jpg
no159. Self Portrate Embroidery.InventaRIMG0283.JPG
no225.Rabin-95 RIMG0069.JPG
no211. Tikon G IMG_7159.JPG
Wedding Dress A0033b.jpg
no231.Migoon#16886 035.jpg
no158. Self Portrate Snails.InventaDSCN5593.JPG
יושבת 251207 023.jpg
no 222b.Pray with Flighty Birds   09 050.JPG
no10.Humen Materials. Detail no2.JPG
slide0002_image007 2009 picasso (30).jpg
no`170_Sasa 08.JPG
slide0002_image007 2009 picasso (27).gif
slide0002_image007 2009 picasso (2).jpg
2008 no` 217  Lecket. IMG_6962 (18).JPG
no195. Metallic Dialog  IMG_7048.JPG
no197.  White Dialog with Black Head. IMG_7033.JPG
no102-12.Embrius. detail.098.jpg
2008 no` 217  Lecket. IMG_6962 (6).JPG
no225.Rabin-95 RIMG0067.JPG
no235.Migoon#17052  045a.JPG
no240.Migoon C 071.jpg
no222..Pray with Flighty Birds. Front.jpg
2008 no` 217  Lecket. IMG_6962 (65).JPG
P5253356_ copy.jpg
slide0002_image007 2009 picasso (18).gif
P5253632_ copy2.jpg
no 222b.Pray with Flighty Birds   09 050.JPG
no211. Repair G IMG_7142.JPG
amos kenan.jpg
no217 Rops b 025.jpg
2008 no` 217  Lecket. IMG_6962 (67).JPG
2008 no` 217  Lecket. IMG_6962 (51).JPG
2008 no` 217  Lecket. IMG_6962 (39).JPG
no208.Those are not meagrating birds B. Detai_e57.JPG
no163. Self Portrate Tefilin.InventarRIMG0542.JPG
slide0002_image007 2009 picasso (14).jpg
Bells-shoe bIMG3519.jpg
2008 no` 217  Lecket. IMG_6962 (13).JPG
no208. Rops IMG_6678.JPG
no222.Pray with Flighty Birds  09 055.jpg
no218 Rops c 027.jpg
no72.A Child with A Lame. Detail b.jpg
slide0002_image007 2009 picasso (3).gif
no8.On the sweemingpool.jpg
no213. Tikon A. IMG_7205.JPG
Hangind or standing. Instillation..jpg
no222..Pray with Flighty Birds. Front.jpg
no. 224 Flow . Instillation 2000.jpg
no207. The Desire to Fly. Detail. IMG_6779.JPG
no114. The Diver.jpg
2008 no` 217  Lecket. IMG_6962 (26).JPG
P5253470_ copy2.jpg
2008 no` 217  Lecket. IMG_6962 (9).JPG
2008 no` 217  Lecket. IMG_6962 (60).JPG
Stucked boat130.jpg
P5253510_ copy3.jpg
Picasso. Piero.jpg
no237.The line.jpg
slide0002_image007 2009 picasso (28).jpg
2008 no` 217  Lecket. IMG_6962 (58).JPG
no218 Rops d 037.JPG
no94. On the sweemingpool..jpg
Prosthesis 59b.jpg
The final Roll Call-Instillation.jpg
2008 no` 217  Lecket. IMG_6962 (68).JPG
no21-32.Peckalla (Small)Par of Instillation.JPG
no10.Humen Materials.  Detail 1.JPG
no1.Acrobat (Girl).jpg
P5253707_-2 copy2.jpg
Wedding Dress.B Instillation.JPG
2008 no` 217  Lecket. IMG_6962 (15).JPG
no`171_Sudio 08 Yatom[1].JPG
Stucked Boats, Detale..jpg
P5253329_ copy4.jpg
ביאנאלה 08cleardot.gif
no182-8.Those are not meagrating birds143.jpg
Wedding Death. B Instillation.JPG
Peckalla (Small)A070223WV 10.JPG
no221.Pray with Yellow  Flighty Birds.Detail.jpg
no4.Girl with A Dog (Pink).jpg
171_Varda Yatom.JPG
slide0002_image007 2009 picasso (13).gif
no132.Self Portrate.jpg
no209. The Red Secret IMG_7220.JPG
2008 no` 217  Lecket. IMG_6962 (40).JPG
no245.Prosthesis#7.  066a.JPG
2008 no` 217  Lecket. IMG_6962 (33).JPG
no234.Migoon#16856  029a.JPG
no182-8.Those are not meagrating birds144.jpg
37.White Squating.JPG
P5253619_ copy2.jpg
White Hangind or standing.jpg
no2.Acrobat (Boy)Detail.jpg
Hanging or Standin. Part of Instillation..jpg
2008 no` 217  Lecket. IMG_6962 (71).JPG
no 148a.(right)Climbing IMG_7229.JPG
no244.Prosthesis#11.  061a.JPG
no165. Self Portrate Shofar.Inventar.RIMG0562.JPG
Hanging or Standin. Part of Instillation.28.jpg
no125.The Final Roll Call.jpg
P5253358_ copy.jpg
slide0002_image007 2009 picasso (5).jpg
no10.Humen Materials.  Detail 2.JPG
slide0002_image007 2009 picasso (35).gif
2008 no` 217  Lecket. IMG_6962 (17).JPG
slide0002_image007 2009 picasso (33).gif
no10.Humen Materials. Instillation.JPG
2008 no` 217  Lecket. IMG_6962 (45).JPG
no225.Rabin-95 RIMG0062.JPG
2008 no` 217  Lecket. IMG_6962 (48).JPG
Weddig Death A Instillation..JPG
Hanging or Standin. Part of Instillation.29.jpg
no17.Freeze. detale A070223W.JPG
no182-8.These are not migrating Birds.Instillation.6.jpg
slide0002_image007 2009 picasso (31).gif
no160. Self Portrate Branches.InventaDSCN5613.JPG
2008 no` 217  Lecket. IMG_6962.JPG
no133.Self Portrate- Memories .82.jpg
no 222b.Pray with Flighty Birds   09 050.JPG
P5253802_-3 copy4.jpg
no243.Prosthesis#4. 055.jpg
2008 no` 217  Lecket. IMG_6962 (10).jpeg
2008 no` 217  Lecket. IMG_6962 (63).JPG
2008 no` 217  Lecket. IMG_6962 (57).JPG
no217 Rops c 024.JPG
no225.Rabin-95 RIMG0070.JPG
slide0002_image007 2009 picasso (16).gif
P5253620_ copy5.jpg
no221..Pray with Yellow Flighty Birds. Back.jpg
P5253740_ copy4.JPG
2008 no` 217  Lecket. IMG_6962 (52).JPG
slide0002_image007 2009 picasso (23).gif
2008 no` 217  Lecket. IMG_6962 (19).JPG
no218 Rops c 026E.JPG
2008 no` 217  Lecket. IMG_6962 (44).JPG
2008 no` 217  Lecket. IMG_6962 (42).JPG
2008 no` 217  Lecket. IMG_6962 (47).JPG
The final Roll Call-Instillation(Detale).jpg
15.Cacoon-Cats the  Cradle164.jpg
P5253507_ copy3.jpg
no218 Rops c 026E.JPG
no102-12.Embrius. Part of instillation.JPG
no222.Pray with Flighty Birds  09 055.jpg
2008 no` 217  Lecket. IMG_6962 (38).JPG
Bells four.JPG
2008 no` 217  Lecket. IMG_6962 (56).JPG
Bells-Installation bIMG3508.jpg
no10.Humen Materials. ._0009.JPG
no225.Rabin-95 RIMG0066.JPG
P5253352_ copy2.jpg
P5253638_ copy3.jpg
no125b. The Final Roll Call -08 Misdar Siom 131.JPG
no10.Humen Materials.  4 Details.JPG
no199. The Desire to Fly B IMG_6800.JPG
The Hunter..jpg
no133.Self Portrate- Memories.jpg
2008 no` 217  Lecket. IMG_6962 (16).JPG
no218 Rops c 037.jpg
no72.A Child with A Lame.jpg
no102-12.Embrius. detail.JPG
Hangind or standing.jpg
2008 no` 217  Lecket. IMG_6962 (36).JPG
no207. The Desire to Fly. Detail. IMG_6772.JPG
slide0002_image007 2009 picasso (19).jpg
2008 no` 217  Lecket. IMG_6962 (35).JPG
no211. Tikon G IMG_7150.JPG
no162. Self Portrate Stone.InventarRIMG0269.JPG
no115.The Final Roll Call ..jpg
16.Hot Cold165.jpg
2008 no` 217  Lecket. IMG_6962 (37).JPG
slide0002_image007 2009 picasso.jpg
slide0002_image007 2009 picasso (8).jpg
no217 Rops b 024.jpg
2008 no` 217  Lecket. IMG_6962 (31).JPG
Rawing A.jpg
P5253313_ copyl.jpg
P5253524_ copy3.jpg
2008 no` 217  Lecket. IMG_6962 (64).JPG
Girl With A Dove (Detail).jpg
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